
Showing posts from May, 2022

Caste based Reservation Policy of India

The placement of people from top to bottom based on perpetuated differences in status is termed social stratification. The two main methods of social stratification are caste and class. The caste system has a huge impact on the status i.e., the position of an individual in the society. It finds its origin in India and as a system of social stratification, is prevalent only in India. Caste is closely related to Hindu teachings and religion. It is supported by rituals and ceremonies. We find more than 2800 castes in India each with its peculiarities. Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras are the dominant castes found in almost all the states of India. The word caste means breed or lineage. Race, color, and occupation are the basis of the Indian Caste System. Finding its origin in the Chaturvarna system, the Hindu society was divided into Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras then known as varnas. The Varna system prevalent in the Vedic period was based on the division of

Health Inequalities

Health inequalities refer to the unjust and avoidable differences between people’s health across a population group. They are determined by social circumstances which are beyond a person’s control. The circumstances are disadvantageous and they affect the chances of people living a long healthy life. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare with the help of the International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai rolled out the NFHS-5 (National Family Health Survey), the fifth in the series. The survey reports on population, health, and nutrition. My report is focused on key indicators, their trends and comparisons for the state of Haryana. The information which is gathered from 18,229 households, 21,909 women and 3,244 men provide the following conclusions: The population has grown due to an improvement in longevity resulting from many factors. Households using clean fuel for cooking are drastically higher in urban areas because of the availability of door-to-door gas pipelines

Organizational Change and Learning

As the business environment has seen rapid changes and increased competitiveness over the years, organizational learning is a must. It is observed that companies that initiate a change and learn from their mistakes, will have an edge over their competitors and can take the first-mover advantage. To keep up with the changing trends and organizational environment, every organization must undergo a transition or a change. Examples- hiring new employees, mergers, and acquisitions, or adding another department. However, it isn’t easy to adapt to changes. A manager has to oversee the change and serve as a guide to the employees. Organizational change occurs when a company alters its culture, technology, infrastructure, or internal process due to new leadership, shifts in teams, new technology, and new business model. Organizational change management refers to benefit from the change and it involves three phases- preparation, implementation, and follow-through. Change even though a chal

Experiences with Role taking and Role conflicts

Role refers to the behavioral attributes an individual is expected to follow when they occupy a social position or status. Role taking refers to a situation when an individual places himself mentally or imaginatively in the role of others to reflect upon his behavior. Humans can place themselves in the position of others and anticipate behavioral responses which leads to the development of self-consciousness. As a child, I used to play at being a doctor following my dad, who is a doctor, around in his clinic. To play a doctor, a crucial step was to anticipate what the patient would say and I was forced to place myself in their position and assess the severity of their issues and their impacts on their well-being. Thus, role-taking involves studying the perspectives of others. On teacher’s day, I got a chance to take the role of a teacher for a day and put myself in the shoes of my class teacher for a day. While trying to control the noise in the class, I realized how tough it is to pla

Social Groups- role, status and impact on personality

Man is a social animal and he cannot live in isolation. We always need to communicate or share our feelings with someone. According to Maslow’s theory of Need Hierarchy, these needs fall under the category of social needs where one needs affection and belongingness from society. Everywhere we go we tend to form groups with like-minded people. As an individual, we may be a part of various groups like a religious group, school group, college group, workplace colleagues, similar hobby group, etc. These groups are called social groups wherein we have similar thinking and liking. There are many types of social groups which affect our behavior patterns, attitude, perception, and personality. At the beginning of our life i.e., in childhood, we are mainly affected by primary groups. In Hindu society, we are born in a family consisting of many members who can influence us. I am the youngest in my family which consists of my grandparents, my parents, and my elder sister. The role of being the

Organizational Culture

  The culture of an organization decides how workers ought to act. Leaders fabricate shared perspectives and values, which are then passed and built up on through various procedures, at last influencing representative perceptions, ways of behaving, and understanding. The context for everything an organization does is set by its culture. There is no one size-fits-all culture layout that satisfies the requests of all organizations since ventures and conditions vary considerably. The best organizations share a common denominator: a solid culture. All have agreed on cultural priorities at the top, and these principles are centered on the institution and its goals rather than on individuals. Successful business pioneers mirror their cultures consistently and make a special effort to convey their personalities to workers and possible new hires. They are clear about their standards and how those values characterize and administer their organizations' activities. Take, for example, Microso

Brand History of Dove

  Brand History The Dove brand, established by Lever siblings, started in 1957. At the point when the brand initially started, they sold excellence cleanser bars. They have since extended to deliver a wide scope of individual care items including-body wash, antiperspirants, body moisturizers, facial chemicals and shampoos and conditioners. Presently Dove's commitment to conveying genuine outcomes is reflected in their commercials. For more than 40 years, they've been involving real women in their advertisements, however the brand has not always advertised itself along these lines. 1950’s In 1957, the first ad for the Dove beauty bar ran, flaunting its '1/4 cleansing cream'. The comparative ad expresses that the ordinary cleansers leave the skin feeling dry, however Dove 'creams your skin while you wash'. The advertisement urges clients to attempt an examination themselves by cleansing portion of their face with normal cleanser and the other half with Dove cl

Socio- Psychology and Consumer Behavior

  Introduction As indicated by certain definitions consumer behavior comprises of "the mental and social cycles individuals go through in the acquisition, use and removal of products". Customers purchase goods as a way to accomplish some objective. Objectives are wanted results that are seen as achievable. In a narrow utilitarian sense, customers purchase products just for the utilization of the capacity they should serve. However, customers purchase most products for this utilitarian capacity, but also to impart something about themselves to other people and themselves, they serve as an identity function. For instance, certain individuals favor a costly Rolex more than a $25 Timex computerized watch that will keep time comparably well and conceivably better. Individuals utilize such "obvious utilization" somewhat as a method for communicating riches, yet additionally to communicate something about their character and about the manner in which they see themselves.

Tribe of India: Santhal Tribe

  Introduction The Santal, or Santhal, are an ethnic group local to India and Bangladesh in South Asia. Santals are the biggest clan in the Jharkhand territory of India. The Santals generally speak Santali, the most generally discussed Munda dialect. The word 'Santal' is derived from two words; Santa which means quiet and tranquil, and ala signifying man. In the past, the Santals were having a migrant existence. Later they came to settle down in the Chotanagpur plateau. History: As per etymologist Paul Sidwell (2018), Austro-Asiatic language speakers likely showed up on bank of Odisha from Indochina quite a while back. The Austroasiatic speaker spread from Southeast Asia. English authorities expected to improve the income by development of farming. They energized the Paharia individuals of Rajmahal slopes to rehearse settled farming however they refused to cut the trees. Then British authorities directed their concentration toward Santals, who were prepared to leave the forest